36 Delicious Dutch Oven Skillet Recipes

marinated chicken in cast iron skillet

A Dutch Oven is a must-have for a prepper because providing it’s a plain cast iron one versus the enameled version, you can cook over campfires, on gas stoves, and even in electric ovens. The range of meals you can make, ranging from sweet to savory, is endless. This is what preppers, hunters, and campers … Read more

40 Smoker Recipes From Around the World

For thousands of years smoking food has been a way of preserving an abundance of produce for leaner times. Even today you will see people in various countries around the world who do not have access to refrigeration smoking their food outdoors over small fires – most often it is fish, but a variety of … Read more

81 Ingenious Uses for Paper Clips

Who would have thought that the humble paper clip could have so many uses? Like how to create necessary items, like a makeshift compass to find your way when you are lost. Put the paper clip to use in cleaning the hard to get at areas in the house; and keep kids busy and entertained … Read more

Should I Stockpile Oatmeal as a Survival Food?

oatmeal in glass jar

Oats have a reputation for being filling and healthy, but the consensus is that oats retains its nutritional value for only 1 to 2 years, after which the nutritional value degrades (unless stored under specific conditions). Oats is reputed to last for 25 to 30 years, so, it is natural to question how to store … Read more

35 Easy Spinach Recipes for Preppers

Spinach is a great vegetable for preppers because you can start eating your crop within 30 days – and the more leaves you cut the more it grows. It’s pretty tough, and will grow after the last frosts have passed, can be started indoors, and grown in pots on balconies. High in Vitamins A, K … Read more

30 Baked Beans Recipes for Preppers

baked beans dish

Beans are a prepper’s friend – whether dried or canned, and form one of the basics of food stockpiles. Baked beans are known to be rich in protein and fiber, help with gut health and can have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. We all use baked beans, but not everyone is aware that the … Read more

52 Delicious Beans Recipes for Preppers

white kidney beans soup

“Why beans in a stockpile?” new prepper asks at a gathering. After a few withering looks from the assembled bunch, someone deigns to answer. “Well, it’s like this,” says the old-timer, counting off on his fingers: “1. Beans will fill yer belly 2. They don’t cost a lot 3. They are high in protein 4. … Read more

31 Pinto Beans Recipes for Preppers

Every prepper knows the value of beans for the stockpile, and will have cans or dried beans stored. Pinto beans get their name from the Spanish for speckled bean, frijol pinto. In northern Mexico and the southwest of the U.S., they are the bean most likely to be produced, and across the U.S. are served … Read more