The 8 Worst Places to Be When Disaster Strikes


For many preppers, a societal collapse is probably the scariest event imaginable that is also the most plausible. Far removed from an alien invasion, zombie uprising, gamma ray burst, or some other fantastical doomsday scenario, this is one that can actually happen, and has happened countless times throughout history. Though Americans might be exceptional, they … Read more

12 Crucial Survival Items You Probably Forgot About

A big part of getting ready for various survival scenarios is having the right gear and supplies on hand, what you might call material preparation. As all seasoned preppers know, there is a seemingly limitless amount of stuff that we should have on hand to cover our bases against the most likely contingencies. We need … Read more

30 Kitchen Items that Work When the Power is Out

kitchen items and basket with veggies

Many preppers worry about what they will do in a survival situation, be it long-term or short-term, when the power is out. We are so dependent upon electricity for so much that things will start to go sideways fast when it is unavailable. When the light switches don’t produce any light and the outlets don’t … Read more

20 DIY Weapons that May Save Your Life!

Most preppers understand the importance of having a defensive weapon close at hand. Evil has always existed in the world and probably will always exist, and that means you must be prepared to confront it if you don’t want to be made a victim. Thankfully, if you live in a free country you’ll have plenty … Read more

20 Last Minute Items to Hoard in Surplus

I like to think that as preppers most of us are already pretty prepared, materially. But I know that in reality some people are new to the lifestyle, and others are just procrastinators. Still others might be rebuilding after the use or loss of their supplies that they spent so long accumulating. What matters is … Read more