How to Recondition Old Gasoline on Your Own

One of the smartest things that you can do as a prepper is to ensure you have plenty of gas on hand in case of an emergency. From fueling your personal vehicle to running needed generators when the grid is down, your own supply of ready to use gasoline can make all the difference when … Read more

Is it Okay to Drink Water from a Waterfall?

Hydration is essential to life and is a critical survival priority. As a resource, it is second only to air in importance. Finding water in the wild during a survival situation or just an extended trek is vital and in such cases what could be more of a blessing than seeing a beautiful waterfall rushing … Read more

How Preppers Can Achieve Financial Freedom

It’s no secret that preppers are preparing for some sort of hard times. Whether it’s a natural disaster, economic collapse, or something else, they know that things could go south quickly. One of the most important aspects of prepping is financial readiness. Many preppers are prepared for physical dangers but neglect to prepare for intangible … Read more

The Best Types of Fuel for Preppers

If you’re a prepper, there’s a high chance you’ll be using tools and gadgets that require liquid fuel to function. It might be a car, a generator, a power tool, even a stove or light source. Whatever it is, no fuel means no-go for anything. That simply implies that gathering, storing, and rotating your fuel … Read more

Here’s How to Make a Survival Plan

nuts, seeds, olive oil, and other long shelf-life foods

Are you prepared for a disaster? Many people aren’t, and that can lead to serious problems if an emergency or crisis hits. If you have ever seen footage of the aftermath of a major disaster or just a small-scale emergency you’ve probably noticed that masses of people are just standing around, sort of staring into … Read more

6 Spy Skillsets for Preppers


It’s pretty common to find preppers looking toward intelligence personnel and other government agency operatives for inspiration on the survival skills that they should learn. This is understandable; if your job description means going into harm’s way in the most extreme environments and situations, it makes sense considering they will be taught how to survive … Read more

These 15 Pioneer Skills Will Help You Survive

When we think of pioneers today, chances are you think of trailblazers and inventors in fields of science, engineering or even philosophy. We think of people who are going a different way and expanding the borders of a given discipline, or even our very thoughts about politics, society and culture. The term is a very … Read more

How to Start Prepping FAST

survival items

Being overtaken by events that you have absolutely no control over and no way to influence can cause a chunk of ice to form in the pit of your stomach. That feeling of powerlessness is indelible, and often leaves a lasting impression on people that experience it. This is rarely more true than when facing … Read more

Pandemic Preparedness: Full List of 21 Essentials

A pandemic is a major event, no two ways about it. On the lower end of the intensity scale, they can bring entire nations, and potentially even the entire globe grinding to a halt. On the higher end, civilizations can be severely disrupted, and it may kill a truly unimaginable amount of people; mountains of … Read more