How Long do Bic and Zippo Lighters Last?

Few are the preppers who will go without fire-starting tools as part of their bug-out kits or even their EDC. Lighters are usually on the frontlines of fire-starting duty and among lighters there are two standout options for preppers: the ubiquitous Bic and the legendary Zippo. Naturally, the debate rages over which is best. With … Read more

How Long Will an EMP and its Aftermath Last

power grid

EMPs: Electromagnetic Pulses. To many preppers, EMPs are seen as the penultimate doomsday event. Be they a naturally occurring phenomenon or the byproduct of man-made superweapons, EMPs are theorized to knock humanity back to an Industrial Age state of being in a literal blink, or perhaps even worse. By disabling or destroying any electrical device … Read more

Thanksgiving Survival Lessons from The Pilgrims

Robert Walter Weir Embarkation of the Pilgrims

Thanksgiving will soon be upon us, fellow preppers. In our politically correct society, this honored tradition of sitting down to a massive family meal and giving thanks for all of our many blessings, will surely bring about controversy again this year. The liberal talking heads on television will be bickering about Christopher Columbus, the pilgrims, … Read more

10 Ingenious Uses for Sandbags

sand bags

Sandbags. One tool that is indispensable for dealing with rising water, be it from a river that has crested its banks or a biblical deluge that is turning a once dry suburb into a drowned wasteland. Sandbags are laborious to fill and take time to emplace, but there is little that can do what they … Read more

Weathering the Storm Together, Chapter 7-Unexpected Intruder

weathering the storm ecover

Steve moved carefully through the woods beside the cabin driveway. His gun was drawn and he watched carefully for any signs of movement. Occasionally he’d scan the other side of the driveway until he caught sight of Ned Crankston as he moved toward the cabin as well. As Steve reached the clearing right before their … Read more